How to Homeschool High School Like a Pro

How to Homeschool High School Like a Pro

homeschool high school

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Why is Homeschooling High School so Scary?

If you're feeling worried about how to homeschool high school, you're definitely NOT alone. I have spoken to so many homeschoolers who feel like things are really getting serious when their kids hit middle school and beyond.

They feel like it's time to make sure their children know everything so that they're ready for college or the working world. These feelings are totally valid. But it doesn't have to be so scary!

Homeschooling high school can also have elements of magic, be engaging and fun. And you can do it in a way that's as stress-free as possible.

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From Public High School to Homeschool High School

If you've taken your child out of public school, then you're definitely going to need to deschool then. This will mean giving them some time to decompress after what' was probably, a hectic schooling experience

This might feel counterintuitive because there's often a sense of urgency when kids are in high school. But keep these things in mind when you start feeling like you want to push or rush:

  • You probably took your child out of school for a very good reason that merited a big change. You and your kiddo are going to need time to adjust, recover, rest and/or regroup
  • At the same time, your child's learning needs might not have been met at school. You're going to need time to figure out how and when they learn best
  • It's very tempting to buy a curriculum and then to expect them to get going immediately. Like I said - urgency! But you're going to have a much better homeschooling experience if you get your kid involved in their learning. That being said, it might take some time to get them out of their shell and to build trust with them. This is something they probably weren't used to being given or asked at school.  
  • When you're feeling super stressed about time, just remember that homeschooling is so flexible. You'll be able to 'make up' the time you 'lost' during deschooling. You can do this by homeschooling year round. But you'll probably see that when your child is learning in a way that works for them, they're going to speed ahead
  • Lastly, the one-to-one attention that your child can get in their homeschool, is going to make it so much more effective for them. You'll be able to hone in on areas of development and concentrate on those. You'll create solid foundations that can quickly be built upon. 

I know it sounds like a lot. But all these elements are going to make the process of how to homeschool high so much smoother and more effective. Just remember to take the time needed to move into this new reality!

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How to Homeschool a Teen without Losing your Mind!

Homeschooling a teen comes with its own challenges. But it also come with so many plusses too! But in the spirit of looking at how to homeschool high school and through the teenage years, let's look at both sides. ????

The Challenges (and Solutions) of Homeschooling High School

When those hormones strike, life with a teen can be hectic! And if you're homeschooling, it can be doubled. Yikes! It can cause resistance, upset, reluctance and a whole other host of emotions and challenges

Here are some solutions to teenage moods and hormones:

  • Make sure your kids gets enough healthy food, exercise, vitamins and sleep. As I said above, lean into the flexibility that homeschool offers. Allow them to sleep late, eat when they need to and get outside as much as they want to. There's plenty of time for this and everything else!
  • Give your children the space AND attention they want and need. Life can be so hectic when your kids are teens - especially when they're attending school. But you can slow down when you homeschool. You just need to be intentional about it. And when you are, you can give your teen attention or time alone, as needed.
  • Get your kiddos involved! If they can take ownership of their learning, they're going to be much more engaged and motivated. Ask them how they learn best, when they are the most energetic and what they're interested in. And then be sure to give them what they need

The Joys of Homeschooling High School

When your kid reaches high school age, the fun can really begin! For most, the basics have been mastered. So now you can concentrate on things that can really shape a wonderful human being

Apart from this, you can really get your kid involved in so many things. And you can be really involved in a part of their life that you might have missed out on if they were spending most of their time away at school. Here are some suggestions for cool things to do when you homeschool high school:

  • Let your kids really deep dive into their hobbies. Hobbies are a great way to see what they might want to do in the future. And they make day to day life more joyful!
  • Help them to start a business. It's a great age too encourage your children to try entrepreneurship!  There are so many transferrable skills they can learn. Not to mention teaching them how to work with money!
  • Concentrate on other life skills such as housework and chores. They're the right age for these skills to be useful and also enough time for them to master them. 
  • Why not try out volunteering as a family? If you're intentional about their and your time, you could work it so that they have enough time to make a real difference.  

Final Thoughts on How to Homeschool High School

I believe that your whole homeschooling experience should run along the same lines in order to be successful - no matter what age your kid is. 

Granted, high school does come with extra pressure (and hormones), but it doesn't need to be a constant battle of wills. These are the elements of success I've identified for a successful homeschool:

  • Freedom to learn in a way that suits your kiddo.
  • An environment that's geared towards encouraging and supporting their learning.
  • Their involvement in how, where, what and when they learn. 
  • The chance to explore and go deep into interests and hobbies.
  • Open lines of communication between everyone in the family. 

And lastly, I have to mention that as a working homeschool mom, you're going to need to look after yourself. This is one of the most important elements of a successful homeschool. Because without this, it's not going to be possible to sustain your homeschool. 

Charlotte Jones - Working Homeschool Mom Coach

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