Homeschooling While Working - The Pros and Cons

Homeschooling While Working - The Pros and Cons

If you've been here even a few minutes, you'll know I'm a huge cheerleader for homeschooling while working. But everything in life has pros and cons.

So today I'm going to look at the good, the bad and everything in between. Then you'll be able to make an informed choice about whether working homeschool mom life is for you.

Mom and two kids - homeschooling while working with my little homeschool

The Pros of Homeschooling While Working

Let me start with the advantages of combining home-ed and work. I could write a book about this - actually I probably will! ????

Most of the posts I write are about how awesome it is to be a working homeschool mom. So let me just give a quick summary of some of the reasons I love this lifestyle:

  1. I'm able to be with my family and take ownership of educating my kids, but still have something that's just for me.
  2. It's super flexible so I can shape it the way that suits the needs of me and my family.
  3. My children can learn the value of work, as they see me model this behaviour for them.
  4. As a work from home mom I can manage my home more easily. I can do chores between work and homeschooling. And I can teach my kids how to clean as well!
  5. I contribute financially to the household, which means less stress and more ease for us all.
  6. Blogging about homeschooling pays me well and also gives me the chance to try lots of different resources. It's also super flexible and has endless possibilities for growth.

The list could go on forever! But these are some of the main reasons why homeschooling while working is awesome. But let's look at the other side now. Like I said, I want to give you a clear picture of what it's like.

The Cons of Homeschooling While Working

I recently did a poll on my Facebook group about what women felt were the cons of being a working homeschool mom. As a coach and someone who has been doing this since 2017, I know that feeling overwhelmed is very common. And the poll results confirmed this.

Feeling Overwhelmed

There are so many different things to do on any given day, that it's easy to feel like nothing is getting done. I've been there! Now I can't call myself a coach if I don't have solutions for this! So here are a few things I do to stop the overwhelm...

  • Do less! There's no need to have a perfect house, plan complicated homeschool lessons and cook all the fancy meals if it causes you stress and anxiety. Rather do less but with more attention and joy.
  • Simplify your life. Are there systems and processes in your life that aren't efficient? Can your house be decluttered? Can homeschooling/work/meals/chores be simpler? It takes some work to do this, but it's so worth it for the reduction of overwhelm!
  • Know your values and goals. You need to be crystal clear about what's important to you. And you need to know where you want to go. Once you have this figured out, making decisions about what to do (and what not to do), becomes much easier!
  • Don't compare. It's easy to feel overwhelmed if you're trying to keep up with the Joneses. Obviously not these Joneses but the proverbial ones. ???? Rather concentrate on figuring out what works for you and be an inspiration to others.

Missing Out

The next con that came up was pretty surprising! Some moms said that homeschooling while working meant that they missed out on socialization possibilities.

They said that most of the homeschoolers meet during the week, and they can't attend. The women mentioned feeling worried and guilty that their kids didn't have opportunities to socialize.

I know homeschool socialization is a contentious issue. And I've also had pangs of worry and stress about my kids. Luckily research done about homeschool socialization says that our kids are going to be ok!

So what are some ways to ensure that kids interact with others?

  • We have to make a bit more effort for our homeschooled kids. Obviously school has a lot of built in opportunities. But we all know that they're not necessarily always positive! But with research and trial and error, it's possible to find better ways for kids to make and maintain friends.
  • In terms of socializing during the week, you can try and include your children in everything you do from Monday to Friday. They can go grocery shopping or to appointments with you. This type of socialization is really great because kids meet and interact with loads of different types of people.
  • Working homeschool parents are growing in numbers. With a bit of research, you might find others in your community in the same position as you. Then you can meet at weekends.
  • You could make it a medium to long term goal to work from home. There are so many possibilities now that offer really flexible working conditions. Or you could ask your current employer if they're open to more flexibility. And these types of jobs could give you the chance to meet other homeschoolers during the week.

Final Thoughts on Homeschooling While Working

If you're just starting out on this journey, it's normal to feel worried and overwhelmed. I was there! And that's why I do what I do! I want to ease your transition a little bit. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to big life changes...

  • It's always hard in the beginning. Be kind to yourself and cut yourself some slack. It doesn't have to be perfect right from the start!
  • Use a growth mindset. See mistakes as a point to start from. And be willing to try new things.
  • Start really small. Those tiny steps in the right direction always add up. And before you know it, you'll be doing what you never thought you could!
  • Get help! It's so much easier to do something if you have a helping hand. You can hire a coach or join a Facebook group. Or you can simply find a friend that gets it.

Charlotte Jones - Working Homeschool Mom Coach

Follow me Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for more homeschool shenanigans, advice and resources. And please book in a coaching call with me if you feel you need some extra support or encouragement.

Mom and two kids - homeschooling while working with my little homeschool


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