How to Stop Living on Autopilot in 3 Easy Steps

stop living on autopilot

How to Stop Living on Autopilot in 3
Easy Steps

Living on autopilot is an easy default setting for moms who juggle work and homeschool. It can easily be the case for me! But if you feel like your life is whizzing by and your days blur into one, then you might want to change this setting. And I'll let you know how to in 3 easy steps.

Why Do We Even Have an Autopilot Setting?

Autopilot definitely has its advantages. It helps us to perform lots of tasks without taking too much brain power. Can you imagine using your whole brain to wash the dishes? But unfortunately this level of consciousness is become more and more used as we get overwhelmed by millions of stimuli.

Our brains have developed an unconscious decision-making system so we can take care of routine tasks. It prevents us from overloading. However, modern life has hijacked our lives—the mechanism that is supposed to protect us is disengaging us from living.

Psychology Today

How to Stop the Autopilot Habit - Step 1

The first step to making any type of change, is awareness. You need to be able to identify when and why you're doing thinks automatically and without thinking. And to do this, you can use some of the tools I have mentioned before:

  • Journaling is a great way to build awareness of your feelings and to process why you do certain things.
  • Taking a few mindful minutes can also help to bring you back to the present time.
  • Meditation is also a fantastic way to be more mindful and present.

With some practice, you'll be able to see or even anticipate your cues and triggers and to change the ways you react to them. And as you're able to calm your mind, you'll also be able to concentrate on one activity at a time.

Stop Living on Autopilot - Step 2

Step two is maybe a lit bit harder. Once you're aware of your autopilot state, you need to disrupt it! And often, these patterns of behaviour are so deeply entrenched in us. So once again, I recommend starting small. You can take small steps like...

  • making small changes to your routine, such as taking a different way home or changing around some furniture in your room,
  • or not using your phone when you're watching TV but rather concentrating on what's on just one screen.

You should definitely step out of your comfort zone, but don't step so far out that you're unable to maintain the new action. Small, directed, manageable steps in the right direction are always going to guarantee a better chance of something sticking.

Stop Living on Autopilot - Step 3

This step is the most important and also the longest. You're aware and you've started breaking the habit, so now you have to rinse and repeat, many times over. It takes practice to be fully engaged and present in your life. If you're really serious about it, then you could...

  • take a meditation course,
  • schedule in some time every day to journal (a morning routine is great for this),
  • set an alarm on your phone to check in with yourself throughout the day,
  • and be clear about why you actually want to get back in the driver's seat.

What's Your Default Setting?

Are you living on autopilot? Or do you feel like you're in control of your life? Drop me a comment below.

Charlotte Jones - Working Homeschool Mom Coach

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