Quick Self Care Activities for Busy Working Homeschool Moms
This post is definitely going to contain a list of quick self care activities. But it's also going to include the mindset shifts that need to happen around self care as a working homeschool mom. Because often the reason we're not getting enough, is because we don't allow ourselves to have enough.
How Working Homeschool Moms Can Practice Self Care When Busy
Many working homeschool moms worry about fitting in self care when busy. But I believe that self care is possible for even the busiest moms who work and homeschool. It's a mixture of being practical and also having the right mindset. Read on to see more...
Sleep is the Self Care Secret Weapon for Working Homeschool Moms
Sleep is a working homeschool mom\'s secret weapon. Have a read about the science behind snoozing and some tips for getting more...
How Journaling Can Help Stressed Working Homeschool Moms Cope Better
There are many ways how journaling can help a stressed working homeschool moms. Have a read and see some of the ways it can help you to cope!
10 Honest Self Care Tips for Surviving Motherhood
Sometimes you need to look beyond chocolate and bubble baths to find real self care. In this post I look at honest self care tips for surviving motherhood.