Finding a Homeschool Schedule for Working Moms that Actually Works
Are you looking for the perfect homeschool schedule for working moms? Well, there isn't one! But I can show you how to find yours! Read on...
How to Schedule Enough Homeschool Time for your Kids to Succeed
In a recent poll on my Facebook group for working homeschool moms, I discovered that a common struggle is feeling like you don't have enough homeschool time in your day. I know this uncomfortable and worrying feeling because I've definitely felt it. And I'm sure I will feel it again in the future as we go through different seasons.
Three Easy Working Mom Homeschool Schedules to Try Out
I hope that these three working mom homeschool schedules will help you to get started. And then I further hope that you'll tweak them until they suit you exactly.
Gain More Hours in the Day with a Simple Time Audit
The number one issue that most working homeschool moms seem to face, is a lack of time. I hear you mama! I feel the same at times. But I have a very simple strategy for gaining more hours in the day. All you need to do is a simple time audit.