This is why online homeschool is best for our family (and it could be for yours too)
You could choose one of many different methodologies, depending on how you want your homeschool to be. It depends on your children, their learning styles and how much time you’re able to dedicate to homeschool. If you’re a working homeschool mom like me, then I highly recommend using a digital curriculum or digital resources for your homeschool. It saved my sanity and it could do the same for you! Below are 20 reasons why online homeschool is awesome:
- It’s much cheaper to use an online curriculum. Some programmes allow you to have a monthly subscription. And to cancel at any time.
- Often you can have a free trial to make sure the curriculum you’ve chosen actually works for you. We tried a lot of different things until we found what worked for us.
- You save a lot of printing costs and time! I do still occasionally print things out that my kids need. But we’re paper-free, for the post part. We use the library for books that we need.
- At the same time, you’re doing your bit to save the environment. Paper definitely has a worse impact on the environment than using digital devices.
- Another reason why online homeschool is better, is because it allows children to become comfortable with technology. We all know that the future is digital. So let’s prepare our children!
- You can also teach your children to work independently. Most programmes use AI, so they will adjust to your child’s needs and strengths. In this way they can effectively work on their own. I also love the idea of kids mastering an additional language. Independent learners do very well with learning a new language.
- If you do need to see what your child has done, you can check the reporting. Any good online site will have statistics that you can access as the parent.
- Working homeschool moms often have to do a millions things. If your kid is learning online, then you save on preparation time. Everything is there for them already.
- Making mistakes with online exercises isn’t a big deal. Kids can easily try again or move to something that better suits their level. And this is great for building their confidence.
- Online programmes are much easier to update. And to keep updated. There is no need to buy new resources all the time.
- There are so many free resources you can use. Off the top of my head, Khan Academy has many videos teaching all kinds of subjects. This post has more places to homeschool for free.
- An online homeschool is awesome if you want to travel. There’s no need to lug around loads of heavy books. And you can do it from anywhere.
- If you want to follow an unschooling methodology, then going online is really useful. There are so many tutorials on how to do things. And kids can easily and cheaply try many different things until they find their passion.
- My children are dysgraphic. I know that writing is important. But I don’t want them to suffer because of one skill they haven’t mastered yet. So working online really is good for them.
- Following on from this, is that my kids are learning to type. This is another valuable skill that kids need for our digital world.
- Online programmes are very engaging because they can easily combine animation, sounds and music. My kids struggle to concentrate. But learning online keeps them interested.
- Children can learn so much about the world around them, without the cost of travelling. We live in a small town, far away from everything. But my kids have taken virtual field trips to all the four corners of the planet. And can confidently speak about Australia and the Arctic.
- Playing games online teaches kids problem solving and hand-eye coordination. Not to mention many other secondary skills. And games can easily be incorporated into your homeschool day.
- There are endless amounts of videos, tutorials, documentaries, programmes and apps that kids can use to learn. And diving deep into a particular subject is easy and cheap.
- Lastly, let the experts help you. This is how my kids learnt to read. And how they are flying through math. If you’re worried about being qualified to homeschool your kids, then going online is going to help you to find your feet. I’m sure you’ll also learn a lot in the process!
A final thought on using technology to homeschool. And on how to use it sensibly.
So there you have 20 reasons why online homeschool is good. And I\’m sure there are plenty more. If you can think of others, please comment below. That being said, I realise that technology can get a bad rap at times. And I fully agree that an excess can cause damage. But if used sensibly and in a controlled way, it can really work wonders for educating your children. And for saving your sanity!
Follow me Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for more homeschool shenanigans, advice and resources. And please book in a coaching call with me if you feel you need some extra support or encouragement.